You should be able to find several indispensable facts about motivation in the following paragraphs. If there’s at least one fact you didn’t know before, imagine the difference it
Following his exploits in Revenge is Mine, our FBI informant is sent on a drug smuggling case. The plane crashes, but not before a Spanish galleon is seen under the sea.
There is a US drone attack on two Islamic State generals who are on the United States’s Most Wanted list. The men escape, but their families are killed.
The phone rang in josh's office. Josh Young is the FBI agent who handled the recent terrorist attack in Washington DC, Which sadly resulted in the death of the doppelganger to the president. It was John Smith.
Follow Merlin's travels through time with the aid of Viviane, who becomes very close to Merlin.
President elect Wilson James, has a clone of himself produced so that he could be President again in years to come.
Merlin has been moved on from his encounter with King Arthur and Robin Hood to middle aged England
Merlin the time traveller has moved on, following the death of his wife when The Globe thearter burnt down.
The story of a cyber-attack in London when the lights go out.
Merlin is once again on his time travels starting with Walter Raleigh, in the formation of the Colony of Virginia
A love story in the time of the slave trade. A young girl is taken as a slave to Cuba. Her boyfriend follows her with the aid of The Duke of Barcelona
An interesting book set in the gold rush days of The Klondike and Nome, Alaska. Don Wicker is murdered on page one, but why? Our FBI informant John smith of today has to uncover the truth.
Scientists have been searching for the missing link for decades, but God shows Michaelangelo and Sophia the answer,
This is a John Smith adventure. An unrecorded island is discovered off Florida and used by a smuggler who has escaped from prison.
The Evil Gene this book is about various crimes committed with the evil gene.
China is threatening. Taiwan with its new hypersonic missile. Three countries can't allow that to happen. Our FBI informant is sent on a special mission. His wife has recently died, but love festers in these difficult circumstances.
During Julius Caesar's conquest of Southern Britain in the year 55 BC, one of his centurions killed a farmer and his wife. A baby is found at the house, and the centuren takes the baby back to Rome and brings him up as his own. The boy Claudius is sent to a Gladiator school where he eventually becomes the owner.
Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours.
The adventures of Robert make me wonder what legend awaits him in the next book. I was somehow glad he couldn't return to Gwen. They had something beautiful but he needs to grow as a character and move on. I really hope he will find a new love though. I was actually more sad he had to say goodbye to his brother Arthur and his good friend Tuck.
Merlin’s secret.“Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations and projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects. Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectationsand projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects”
“Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations and projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects. Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectationsand projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects”
“Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations and projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects. Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectationsand projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects”
“Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations and projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects. Every team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectationsand projectsEvery team at Patreon uses Asana to keep track of goals, expectations, and projects”
Be careful what you believe because that is what you will experience. Your belief system is a mechanism which is uniquely yours.
1. Book 'the revenge is Mine' New reader magerzine of New York are doing a screen play for submission to Studios to get the book on the big screne.
2. Merlin's Secret has been entered in 'Writers Digest' self published book awards. Result out later this year
3. Merlin's Secret entered for review and submiision to
4. Merlin's Secret submitted to Authors Gateway in Hollywood for prepartion of a query letter to film studios.
5. Daylight Robbery: Malcolm John Baker has recently signed a film contract for the making of a movie for Daylight Robbery. Malcolm John Baker will be the executive producer for this particular movie. The screenplay is being professionally prepared now, with filming will start later in the year. The company he is working with NRM Media and Malcolm John Baker will also be taking an active role in all the production process.
6. Merlin’s Secret: Stratton Press is to publish the Merlin’s Shakespeare Encounter in about three months and also Merlin’s French Encounter will be released in later this year. Book lovers this is a very good opportunity for all of you to book your Merlin’s Shakespeare Encounter in three months from today . The exact date of the book release will be announced shortly.
You should be able to find several indispensable facts about motivation in the following paragraphs. If there’s at least one fact you didn’t know before, imagine the difference it